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Service Level Agreement

This SLA is a contract between us the provider, BCN, and you, the client. It defines the terms of our responsibility and the financially backed guarantee if our responsibilities are not met. Rest assured that BCN takes the uptime of your sites and services very seriously.

99.9% Hosting Services Uptime Guarantee

If your hosting services are not available 99.9% of the time in a given month, we will credit the amount of downtime to your next month's (or billing period's) hosting fees.

We will provide a service credit in the amount of 5% of fees paid for affected services for the month, for every hour that your services are unreachable due to an internal network or equipment failure. Downtime must be confirmed by a staff member of our support team and reported to us within (14) days. Maximum service credit given will be for the full amount paid for the month of outage, excluding any paid fees for additional services.

Downtime is defined as our network equipment or your hosting services being down. We do not control the whole Internet, and so we cannot guarantee your ability to access your site due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e. down routers, DNS issues, DDoS attacks, web site configuration issues, etc.).

This does not include scheduled downtime or routine maintenance which is posted in our News section or emailed directly to the account holder.

In order to receive your web hosting service credit you must: a) document your downtime - via email for shared hosting, via U.S. postal mail for dedicated servers, server co-location, and any other services and b) have us verify downtime.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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Guest: Friday, February 14th, 2025, 12:13AM EST

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